Heather Chambers Heather Chambers

Meet Heather Chambers!

We asked Heather some questions, see what she had to say!

What is your favorite gemstone?
I do love a Tanzanite, I’m also a huge moissanite fan. That sparkle can’t be beat!

If you could sum up your look and aesthetic in three words, what would they be?
Comfortable, stylish, coordinated.

Any fashion or jewelry tips?
Have some fun with the clothes and jewelry your wear. Everyday is a chance to dress up as the person you want to be. Jewelry can change a look from serious to whimsy with just one piece!

Who is your ultimate style icon?
The Princess of Wales is always so poised and elegant. Her outfits are always an inspiration and her jewelry game is on point!

Any embarrassing on-screen moments?
Not yet. Keep watching, it’ll happen!

Anything else you would like to share?
Originally from the UK, where we lived in Farnham in Surrey (west of London).